Saturday, January 17, 2015

Let's do this 2015!

New year, new me. I am going to keep up with my blog, get my business up and running, pump out projects like no other, blah blah blah. Who am I kidding? While I have the best intentions, things do not always work out that way for me. I have proven that time and time again. Why put the pressure on myself?

What I can say is that 2015 has many projects in its crosshairs. I have committed (to myself) to complete at least 3 projects a month. So far so good. Looks like January is off to a great start! I am finishing up a Chicago Blackhawks hat and made a winter hood for myself.
One more project to go to reach my self imposed quota. Woot woot! Once I get my craft room unpacked and organized, I am sure the creative juices will flow more rapidly! I miss my card crafting, but I find it difficult if I am not properly organized. I have goals that I have set for myself and will strive to meet them, but I realize that there are only 24 hours in a day and work has already laid claim to a third of those hours. I will do my best.

Here is a look at some of the completed projects from 2014.

The not-so-minion minion hat
Funny story about this here pink hat. I made a minion hat for one of my mother's employees. A different employee saw it and decided that she wanted one for her daughter. She wanted to make some modifications. She wanted  it pink. A pink minion? I questioned my mother to make sure I was understanding correctly. A pink minion? She insisted that was the case. She called the lady at my
insistence to verify. Yes, she wanted a pink minion hat buuuuuut she wanted the black stripe to be white....and instead of the minion eye she wanted a flower......okay ma'am. So you do NOT want a minion hat at all. hahaha


Baby owl hat

I am told he is a voodoo doll


Snowman-complete with mini top hat!

 This is just a snapshot of my completed projects in 2014. I hope to at least triple my number of completed projects in 2015!

Doing Business Again!

I know I have said it before, but I really am trying to make my crafting business a reality. It'll be nothing to retire on, but more of a way to make some money doing what I like to do in my spare time anyway. In the last few months, I have managed to make and sell two requested winter hats.

Hello Kitty

The first one...Hello Kitty!

I was able to put this kitty together using my standard hat base and scouring the internet for photos that looked like what I wanted. I wanted to, after all, get the placement of the details correctly. That would make the difference between Hello Kitty and a bootleg psycho kitty. The visual of bootleg Disney character piñatas just crossed my mind. Hmm...pretty sure my mom still has a Smurf piñata in her garage...anyway, stay focused!

I am staring into your soul!

Bow detail


The other hat that was requested was a Jack Skellington beanie. I again used my standard hat base and then put in the details based on some photos and pictures. I think they both came out pretty good and so did my client.

Jack Skellington

Christmas hat round up

I made my siblings and their spouses winter hats for Christmas. Hector requested a knight's helmet, Vicky wanted one that had the knight's helmet style but in purple and with flowers, Denise left the design up to me, and - as mentioned in my previous blog post- Juan got a boobie beanie. I did not get any photos of them wearing their hats, so I just have the photos of the finished hats on my hat use your imagination. I have since thought of some improvements for the knight's helmet style hat. I need to bring the buttons in and higher. That way the face guard is nice and snug against the face-I also want to experiment with lining the faceguard with some fleece for added warmth.

Hat with face guard

Knight Helmet

Purple sad looking owl

Boobies, boobies, boobies...rockin' everywhere!!

I dub you the light skinned latina boob!
Last year I had someone ask me to make a boobie beanie for them. You've probably seen them before. It is a baby hat made to look like a woman's breast. I had never made one before, but I gave it a go. I think it came out very good. I made some adjustments to the strawberry hat pattern that I had previously made and viola! Okay, to be honest it was not as fast and easy as it sounds. My first attempt was a major fail in both shape and color. It is a funny story actually. I made this awkward boob beanie-that I personally think needs a tan- and then realized where I needed to make adjustments. I moved on to what was to become my final and much better version.

First boobie beanie attempt
 Well, at a family dinner at my parent's house, my father announces he believed that I may have dropped one
of my "creations" on his driveway. He ran it over with the snow blower, but he was proud to say that he thought it would survive. He then goes to fetch it and brings me back a wet heap of yarn that vaguely resembles the boobages of one the women you'd expect to see on the cover of National Geographic. Talk about embarrassing....and no, there is no after photo. Poor boobie.

Juan's Christmas beanie
Fast forward many months and it is Christmas time. My brother had expressed interest in wanting a boobie hat of his own. That is exactly what he got and he wore it with pride. Merry Christmas to him!