Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'll Monster you!

Imagine popping in a good move, sitting in your recliner, putting your feet up, and then cuddling under a nice warm fluffy blanket...but what's that? A wet, cold spot on the blanket? The Chew Monster strikes again!! There's a little creature in the house that likes to chew and suck on the various fabric covered articles in the house leaving a trail of random wet saliva spots in its wake. Yuk! Here is the culprit!

When I stumbled upon this post (http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2012/06/monster-fleece-lovey-blankets.html) on the repeatcrafter me blog, I knew I needed to make one for this crazy kid.

In a perfect world, he would carry this around and satisfy his chewing urges solely on the monster...however, it is not a perfect world. It seems that he just added this to his collection of saliva collecting objects. Oh well!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Minion Beanie 2.0

The previous minion beanie I made was from a pattern found on ravelry. I found the pattern for this minion hat on...you guessed it repeatcrafterme. http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2014/01/crochet-minion-hat-pattern.html

This hat has a few differences that I feel soften the overall look. The most obvious difference is that this hat has earflaps. Also, the pupils of the eyes are made of yarn whereas the previous beanie had a button sewed in. Both patterns are fun and cute!!
  One thing I definitely need to watch out for on the next minion hat is the eye placement. This one seems to be a bit googly eyed......

Kinda like my model!

Berries Galore!

Continuing on the beanie kick I have been on lately, I decided to make this super cute strawberry beanie. I got the pattern from Sarah's blog Repeatcrafterme at http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2013/04/crochet-strawberry-hat-pattern.html


I made the child size, so my big headed preschool nieces could wear it. It is super adorable. I bet the cuteness would  multiply by 10 in the smaller baby sizes!!

The "seeds" are a bit sloppy. I decided to take a shortcut and stitch them continuously instead of individually. After looking at it from every angle, I decided it was best to redo them. Stay tuned for a before and after post once I do some strawberry seed demo.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Baby Knot Hats

It is very satisfying to be able to begin and end a project in the same sitting. That is what makes beanies and hats so great to crochet. I made these cute beanies using the pattern found here: http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2013/09/crochet-newborn-knot-hat-pattern.html This blog is my new favorite site! There are tons of patterns and ideas. I used 100% cotton yarn by Lily Sugar & Cream. This is a newborn size pattern, and it comes out pretty tiny. If you plan on making this for a big headed baby, then I would recommend using a larger hook or modifying the pattern.


Minion Beanie

Using a pattern found online: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/minion-hat-4 (thanks for sharing it on my FB wall Melissa) I made some minion beanies. They were a hit! My sister and sister-in-law have already put in their request, but I must first make one for each of my goddaughters. This pattern is super easy and fast! I used Lily Sugar & Cream 100% cotton thread for these, but I bet they would come out good in other yarn types as well.

Mobile Madness!

A friend asked me to make a mobile for her soon to be here baby boy's nursery. She gave me some suggestions then I gave it a go. The nursery has an owl theme in a light green and tan. I took some inspiration from the ombré star mobile tutorial found HERE and added two owl elements.

Just like in the lucky star ombre mobile, I began by taking some white craft paper and painting a wash on it using watercolor paint. Once it was completely dry, I cut the paper into strips 1/2" by 20" and followed the directions on making the stars.

The blue owl was made using quilling techniques. Originally, there were going to be four. However, once I plunged in and realized how difficult it turned out to be, I decided to only finish one. I took the easy way out for the sake of my finger tips!

The brown and tan owl on the top was made using felt, embroidery thread and stuffing. This cute owl is actually my favorite part!

This being my first attempt making a mobile, it was a given it would turn out a bit rough. I however already thought of ways to improve my technique and now I know what to do (or not do) for the next one I make!